Initially the safest way to physically date someone is going to be in the public. You need to get to know the people you are dating in a safe environment. However you can start by spending time in conversation with them on the phone, (phone dating). At the commencement stage one idea might be that you use your cell phone and avoid giving out your personal home phone number. Emails and chat IM’s can be used to some degree, however we might suggest you limit that, as typed words lack the sound of voice tones and thus there may be some misunderstandings. Of course another idea would be to use voice and/or video chatting online to get to know your potential dates as well.
Once you are ready to personally meet, it is a good idea to make your dating arrangements in a manner that allows you to assemble at a particular destination. Generally a good location would be somewhere in community where there are many people. However there are many places where you will find lots of people that may not be in your best interests. You should first consider the types of characters that you might find in specific community locations. Ask yourself a question like, would it be safer to meet in a dating environment such as a coffee shop or at a saloon? With that idea you also might ask your potential dating partner the same question to see if their dating ideas line up with yours.
The typical cultural ideas might like to direct you down the road of significant dating romance. You should keep in mind though that the significance here is to get to know the person you are dating. It would be in your best interests to be in places where you can converse with your dates. Going to the movies may be enjoyable, however you would not be doing much communicating. Wherever your dating destination leads you, you should pay attention to how your date is treating others, not just yourself. Does your date exhibit virtues such as kindness, are they courteous and appreciative?
Now let’s look at a couple types of dating environments, there is the physical dating location and the mental dating dimension. The mental dating dimension is where your thoughts are within relationship to your character. Many people begin by putting on an exhibition that is other than themselves. Some are trying to impress their dates by being someone they are not, and others may have motivations to please for personal gain intentions.
If your solitary idea is to look for someone attractive and you are only focusing on the physical aspects, you are likely to be setting yourself up for a fall down the road. There are men and women who are only dating for physical relations, they are looking to have sex. If your idea of dating is to find someone just for your sexual gratification, you most likely will find them. And you may strike up some kind of sexually intimate relationship, but it is going to be riddled with problems. Why? Because then you would both be seeking to satisfy your own selves, you’re not looking for a loving relationship, you are looking for selfish gain. Here is the equation, you figure it out; One selfish, plus one selfish equals too ________.
For more ideas and considerations on safe and healthy dating please see the following singles articles:
Healthy Dating Ideas Dressing For Dating Success
Character Dating Distinctions Exorbitant Dating
Best Singles Dating Sites Top Questions To Ask Your Dates
It Was Love At First Sight, Soul Attraction At First Sight