There is no mistake that you are reading this, you really do want to know the ways that women can have great sex. You may find the information that you are about to read on better love making for women to be shocking. Everything you may have learned to this point in your life about having great sex may not be an accurate representation. Society and cultural teachings want you to believe their ways for a woman to have better sex, (that's because sex sells). The following facts are being shared with you so that you will have some real insights into the ways that women can have better sex lives.
Society teaches that more is better, bigger is better, and when it comes down to it, the more sexual partners a woman has, the less her chances are of having better love making experiences. How can I say that? I know this may be troublesome to many people who read this, especially women, but you need to know these details for yourself. Oxytocin is a known female hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland, (trade name Pitocin); it stimulates contractions of the uterus and ejection of milk. It's a neurochemical that binds couples together, often referred to as the "cuddle hormone" or "bonding hormone." From biology’s perspective, it's main function is to bond us to our children for life, however it also serves to bond us to our mate.
What does oxytocin have to do with women having better sex? For each sex partner a woman has her level of oxytocin decreases. Just as if you were walking a flight of stairs, with each downward step representing a sexual partner, your release level of oxytocin steps downward. The more sexual partners a woman has, the more likely she is to struggle due to a lack of oxytocin release. In this scenario more is not better, bigger is not better, it's worse. It's not beneficial for a woman to continue to look for great sex with additional partners. Doing this is not doing anything for her, but it may become her undoing. The less oxytocin a woman releases, the more she struggles physically with arriving at the same level of sensation.
There are also some correlating findings from divorce case studies that relate to this sexual health issue. For women, (aged 30 plus), who remain monogamous, who have only had one sexual partner, their rate of divorce is only twenty percent. Now that statistic jumps increasing so with a second partner, the divorce rate for women who have had two sex partners is 50 percent! Are you seeing this? As soon as a woman has had sex with more than one man, the percentage more than doubles. Finally, the divorce rate for women who have had 3 partners is roughly 60 percent. If you are a woman, review the oxytocin information above and combine that with the divorce rate statistics, what do you have?
Wait there's more! Combine the two paragraphs above with this scripture from 1 Corinthians 6:18 (NLT); Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body. Could it be that the sin spoken of above can actually be found in the decrease of your own oxytocin output? Is it becoming evident that you are harming yourself while you are pursuing better sex with multiple partners? Are you one who has been complaining about how your husband, or how men do not satisfy you? If so, how many sexual partners have you had? This is the way of a false wife; she takes food, and, cleaning her mouth, says, I have done no wrong. (Proverbs 30:20).
This article is not intended on overwhelming you with guilt, everyone has sinned and we all fall short of the grace of God, (we make mistakes). The intentions of this article are to arm you with insights and understanding in order to help you and your relationships. However, if you are honest with yourself and find you need help with this difficulty, you can recover if you stop, and with sincerity of your heart ask God for forgiveness. Because, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9).
Really the key to better sex for women is in the shortcut, which means less partners, the best case scenario is one, the one you marry. God wants couples to stay together in their marriage relationships, it helps them to learn to love, and helps them to avoid the physical and emotional ramifications of doing otherwise. God knows us better than we knows ourselves, He is our creator, and like any good Father he gives us instructions that are for our own good. When we don't listen, it can be similar to the know it all children we have, sometimes they have to learn the hard way. I pray that you will have and be full of wise discretion.