How can partners improve the romance in their relationships? Have you ever heard someone say that if you want to learn how to dance, you must first take ballet? Well a couples love dance is enhanced by their ballet, (their basic training). My love dance steps begin inside me, not externally. However, it is true that you can learn things while taking ballet or dance classes that you may have never imagined. You will learn moves within your dance steps that you can regularly integrate into your relationship, into your daily dance of love, and into it's romance.
Dance classes would certainly help a couple to be more aware of one another and help them both to become more in tune with each other, not to the mention the fun that they would have together. Married couples who take dance classes would receive some structure that would increase their abilities to work in tandem, to be more unified, to compromise, to be more forgiving, and to cooperate better together. That alone kind of sounds like what a relationship ought to be doesn't it? In order for me to get my love relationship in sync, I need to get my love dance steps conditioned. For this kind of conditioning to occur we must first be willing to make some fundamental changes in our thinking mannerisms and perhaps in our attitudes. We need to accept the reality that no matter how multitalented we might be, there are some things that we could used some external assistance with.
If you never look at where you are, you are not going to know where your going. How is your romance? How good are your dance steps? How good are your dance moves? Many might say that they love dance and are great dancers, but when paired with a professional dancer a sudden realization sets in. The realization that they don't know what they said they did, or what they thought they knew. Others might feel embarrassed to have their love dance steps revealed to them, and thus they may want to play it off as "they don't need that". Sometimes we need to put down the cup of ego and pick up the cup of humility.
Now there are probably many guys who don't want to go dancing or learn to dance, and this may be do to some personal insecurites, ( I know, I was once one of them). It might be about how a guy is going to feel when he does not have a clue about what he is doing, he may inferior. Everyone likes to have some confidence about what they are doing before they step off the edge. This is one great reason for personal dance lessons where a guy can learn in a safe environment without feeling embarrassed about what he does not know. The same is true when it comes to relationships, learning to love each other often requires some external enlightenment, however couples need to find a safe place for both of them to improve their love dance moves.
You make all sorts of moves in your relationship, but they are not always in sync with your partners dance moves. In dancing the guy leads and the woman follows, just as Eve was supposed to do with Adam. But Eve did not follow, instead she attempted to lead Adam, and she led him with the wrong dance moves. Your love dance is how you share love with each other in your relationship, not how you allow selfish desires to overcome you and your relationship.
Your love dance steps are effected by your ability to accept change and make necessary changes. Most people don't want to face reality and admit that they are in need of a relational love dance tune up. They do not want to look at their own stumbling toes, so they point their fingers at their love dance partner. In my love dance, I realize that I must accept responsibility for my love dances steps. If I make the wrong move I need to accept it, and take ownership of it in order to improve my love dance moves. Do you feel like you could benefit from some relationship dance lessons? Guys, take some dance classes with your wife, it will change your perspective, and it will improve your relationship, (assuming you have the guts to stick it out long enough). And ladies, should he do that, give him some credit for the effort and some grace.
My wife loves to watch dancing with the stars, she really enjoys it as do many others. However, she enjoys it more when I am there sharing in it with her! This is part of my love dance routine, the dance of love with her begins by meeting her in a place where she receives my attention. My dance of love requires finesse and otherness. We need to look at our love relationships through a relationship lens, not through a singular scope. We can't just dance our dance by ourselves, we need to incorporate love dance steps that coinside with our partners, otherwise our relationships suffer. Take the time out to watch people dancing, watch how they improve their dance routine, see how it builds their character, and then notice how they begin to dance with more fluidity.
When you dance your love dance with your spouse you need to have an awareness of them and about them, otherwise you might step on their toes. In your love dance it's more important for you to have understanding between you than anything else. Your relationship is a joint venture, a dance of love between two hearts, you are connected together, so why not dance that dance? Take the time to meet each other in a tango, and you will avoid the relationship tangle.