Romantic ideas do not necessarily have to be expensive ones. Couples can certainly find things to do together without having to break the bank of all their assets when they do. You can take romantic trips in your area as well as out of town, sometimes you just need to look for romantic ideas that are available to you locally. When it comes right down to it, what should really matter the most is the time you spend together, that is what your relationship is all about. Sure you can fun romantic ideas, and take romantic trips, just remember that it's a we thing. |
Recently my wife and I took a relatively inexpensive journey for our anniversary. We both love to take in nature and enjoy the great outdoors however we prefer things that are colorful and spring can be a great time to breathe in all kinds of beauty. Often times we simply take scenic drives and marvel at all the fresh growth of a particular season. Without much for plans we just do as we enjoy upon each others suggestions. Sometimes one good thing leads to another good thing and a romantic journey begins
simply in the company of each other. |
My wife had the idea of going to the beach and visiting the shops that carried paintings by such artists like Thomas Kinkade. So we set off on our romantic trip and just enjoyed each other's companionship as we set a course for Laguna Beach in California. We left at night and arrived at a nearby hotel in Lake Forest, California where we spent the night.
The morning greeted us to a lovely spring day, sunny skies and very pleasant temperatures. We made haste to acquire our morning coffee fixes at Starbucks and Lee's Sandwiches, (I enjoy Starbucks, however I did not want to pass up some of Lee's Iced Coffee while were in the area). We then headed down El Toro Road, (in the Saddleback Church area), and made our way to Laguna Beach. Along our journey we came to the realization that beauty is sometimes taken for granted by those who live in such beautiful areas. Sometimes you have to stop to smell the roses!
Arriving at our location, we journeyed on foot through some nearby shops, enjoying a wide array of paintings. Our course was one that would give us a tour of some shops on one side of the street, and then loop us around for the beach on the other side of the street. We were simply having fun being together and enjoying the fresh air…… as well as cut furry creatures seen below, (yes one is on a motorcycle). |
We finished our tour and then headed down highway 1 and went through a beautiful area in Laguna Niguel on the way to our next destination that my wife had never seen before, the Carlsbad Flower Fields. |
Guys, if your wife or girlfriend likes flowers, this is a great romantic idea! The key to this is hitting the flower gardens when they are in full bloom, and our timing was perfect! My wife was simply awestruck by the thousands of flowers that were tickling her heart. |
The flower gardens here gave you options to walk around the fields for $10, (standard admission), or for an additional $5 you could take a tractor tour around the flower gardens. With camera in tow we opted for the standard admission and took our chances walking the flower fields. No, you can not tip toe through the tulips, but your can touch and enjoy them as long as you do not bring them any harm. You can take pictures, so bring a camera so you can get a picture of your wife or girlfriend in the midst of all the blooming flowers in the flower beds garden. |
There are many outside shops in the flower field area in which you can obtain gifts, or obtain refreshments. The flower gardens also include the Rose walk of fame, a beautiful rose flower garden with numerous types of roses. There was also an area in the flower fields garden where there was actually a United States flag that had been grown out of flowers. Neat to see, but it would certainly have been enjoyable to have a birds eye view of these flowers in the flower beds. |
After a few delightful hours in the flower gardens we headed to a nearby restaurant for dinner and then drove off into the sunset where the blossoms of our love could bloom as dusk greeted us. For more great romantic ideas, (like from this point on), feel free to be creative. |