The best Christmas present is not the one that you want to receive in your relationship, it is the one inside of you waiting to be given to your husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend. Many people make intense Christmas efforts to find the perfect material gift while already having the most precious Christmas gift of all already in their possession. That gift is the Christmas gift of love, you do not have to outwardly search for it, you only need to present it. It is easier to act your way into love, than it is to wait on your feelings to move into loving action. When you initiate love through actions, you initiate loves embrace, it's only a matter of time before loves formula transforms circulation.
Would you like your Christmas to be the best Christmas you have ever had? Wouldn't you like your relationship and your home to be full of love, peace, and joy? You are the key element to loves circulation in the heart of your relationship. You are hereby given the challenge of the 12 days of Christmas love. Your mission, should you like a more loving relationship, is to increase love in your relationship by way of your own loving behavior. It's not about whether you feel like it or not, love does not wait for feelings, love acts first. Don't worry, these twelve days of Christmas love are not going to cost you much, that is unless you fail to follow through with real loving efforts.
On the first day of Christmas lovecommit yourself to a humble nature, making humility a top priority. Express the qualities of meekness and modesty; avoid being arrogant or prideful. Let the feeling of patient submissive humbleness overtake you, be open to listening to the opinions, thoughts, and wisdom of others. Take a lower position, and do the things you would ordinarily object to as an expression of your desire to be more humble. Many people have difficulties in their relationships because of poor pride, swollen pride blocks love and the wisdom that can be obtained through humility.
On the second day of Christmas love continue your humble attitude and let go of any previous hurts you may have been storing up within you with regards to your relationship. You know the ones you have not let go of, the ones that still come up anytime there is a squabble. The things you still talk to other people about outside of your relationship. The things you let eat away at the core of the relationship because you haven't let them go. Forgive them right now, because in order to love you need to be able to overlook offenses. Besides you are not perfect either, and you need loves forgiving grace as well. Let those things go and do not bring them up into any conversations again.
For the third day of Christmas love continue your humbleness, be patient and understanding. Refrain from inpatient reactions or comments, and give allowances for shortcomings. Understand that your wife, husband, boyfriend or girlfriend are similar to you in that they are imperfect. Practice giving them the same grace that you yourself would like from them. Don't nitpick anything, don't complain about anything, and don't cry over spilled milk.
On the fourth day of Christmas love practice putting your wife, girlfriend, husband, or boyfriend first in everything. Love is multifaceted, it requires us to make self-denying efforts of generosity in order to fulfill the needs of others. Love is presented through our sacrificial actions, we put away ourselves, we sacrifice our time, our desires, and our tendency to react selfishly. Of course accomplishing this goal will require you to be quite humble, patient, and understanding.
For the fifth day of Christmas love ask your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife if there is something you could do to make their day easier. The challenge here is to be humble enough and loving enough to follow through and complete their request, whether you want to do it or not, and not to expect anything in return.
On the sixth day of Christmas love make an effort to do something for your spouse or partner, without having to ask them first. Look around the house and seek out something to do that you know will lighten their load or otherwise make them happy. When you have accomplished this task do not bring it up to your partner, you are making loving efforts, not waiting for a trophy. If your spouse expresses gratitude or says something to you about it, respond with a humble comment.
On seventh day of Christmas love find at least three things you can compliment your husband, wife, girlfriend, or boyfriend on. This is your opportunity to express your appreciation for them, it is also a method in which you might see some things you may have been overlooking. Look intently for wonderful things about him or her, compliment your spouse on 3 different positive aspects. Guys this for you is an opportunity to let your wife know how beautiful she is, she wants to hear it from you.
For the eighth day of Christmas love compliment your spouse or partner 3 times as you did on the seventh day, except find at least 2 new things to compliment them on. Ask them what they would like for dinner, then take them out for a dinner that you know they will enjoy. This means that you pick the place, according to your partners wishes, you drive, and you pay the bill. Remember to be humble!
On the ninth day of Christmas love start by doing a humbleness self check. How humble have you been over the past 8 days? Have there been any times where you could have been more humble? Be honest with yourself, you are answering these questions for yourself and your relationship. Today, take the time to value any things your spouse does for you. It does not matter how small those things may be, stop and associate your feelings with their loving efforts. Make the necessary adjustments to recognize what there is to be appreciated, and feel the feelings that go along with that appreciation. Then act with specific intent to express your appreciation for them.
For the tenth day of Christmas love ask yourself how much quality focused time you spend on your wife, husband, girlfriend, or boyfriend. Your time is your most treasured asset in your relationship, your spouse wants you to show them love by virtue of your time. Gentlemen, this is an area that many men falter in, you need to take time out and pay attention to your wife or girlfriend. Giving your attention, commonly in communication and listening, literally spells affection. Ladies listen and be supportive to your husbands dreams and goals. Look to spend more time with him doing something you might not usually do, such as watching the game with him, or offering to help with some type of chore.
On the eleventh day of Christmas love buy your spouse a pre-Christmas gift of some kind. It does not need to be expensive, just something that shows them that you thought of them today with loving intentions. Take the time to be thoughtful, consider what would bring your spouse some joy. For guys, this might mean picking up a single rose, or a bouquet of flowers. Wives, you might bring home your husbands favorite treat.
On the twelfth day of Christmas love choose to make a commitment to be more loving towards your spouse. Love is an action by way of choice. Choose to be less self-centered, more humble, more giving, more patient, more understanding, appreciate them on a daily basis, overlook offenses, be forgiving, look to meet their needs, be thoughtful, be compassionate, and compliment them regularly with loving words. Today, plan to do something romantic with your spouse, girlfriend, or boyfriend during the Christmas season. Take a romantic carriage ride, go ice skating together, put up the Christmas tree as a team, engage in togetherness!
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