I forgot to say I love you, don’t let those be the words you are saying to your loved ones after the fact. You never know when you might be saying I love you for the last time. That is the advice I received from a good friend, she says it to all her friends, all her family members, and upon occasion, even those she has just become acquainted with. Love is so universal, that it will change atmospheres, attitudes, and perceptions.
When someone says I love you to you, it usually feels good. Because when someone says that to you, it says that you matter to them, that you are significant, that you play an important part of their life, and that they value you. Saying I love you can be energizing, it can boost and effect others in positive manners. Think about how it feels to you when a friend or loved one says that to you. Saying I love you can often be the supportive words you need, or others need, to motivate them in their time of need.
Gentlemen, ladies like to hear you say it. Yeah, you may have said it a million and three times, but your wife still wants to hear it! It is called meeting her emotional needs. Now there may be times when your spouse says I love you just to get you to say it to them. In my opinion, that renders their outward comment to you as hollow, because I love you is an outward expression, love does not look to meet it’s own desires, but the desires of others. However, with an otherness mindset you would be aware of your wife’s emotional need at that point, and then go ahead and give her the love she desires by saying I love you to her, as that would be the loving thing to do. This is not to say that there is anything wrong with both of you affirming each other in love at the same time, that is good medicine! So if you affirm your husband and he affirms you back, that’s great.
I love you is an outward expression, you do not look at someone you love and express your feelings to them by saying; "I love the way you love me". Saying I love you to someone is a confession of your feelings for them, it is not a confession of how much you like the way they love you, if it were, you would then say it that way. In addition to that, saying I love you without meaningful actions, leaves the expression meaningless. Love is shown by actions, saying it is just one action, doing it is true representation, love is repetitious, say it and show it repeatedly.
Have you ever noticed how people suddenly stop saying I love you when they are angry or upset with you? Did their love for you abruptly stop that quickly and easily? Have you ever stopped saying I love you, simply because your husband did not take out the trash or your wife did not make dinner? You understand the point right? What does your anger have to do with the love you say you have for someone? Is your love like a light switch? Here one moment and gone the next? Consider that person that you really do love, they could be here one moment, and then gone the next. How might you feel if you allowed some petty squabble to block you from saying I love you, and then you never had the opportunity to say it again?
Single women need to be aware that there are many men who know what you want to hear, and will say I love you just to get what they want. Then after having had their wants met, the women find themselves left out in the cold, or stuck in a pattern of sex without love. Let them say it, and then let them say it with a ring and a ceremony before you give yourself away!
Husbands and wives, say I love you whenever you have the opportunities. Say it on the phone, before you go to work, in the morning, before you go to sleep, and anytime you leave each others presence. Make the most of your moments and your chances, let one another know how you feel about them on a regular and daily basis. Say I love you anytime it is possible, whenever it is timely, whenever you have favorable circumstances, say what you feel now, now is the time to say; I Love You!