In the representation of feelings towards others, actions really speak louder than words. Often time’s people say things that are not backed up by their behavior. Many people will use deceptive tactics that are in their own best interests, in order to achieve their own personal desires. It takes time to get to know someone and more importantly to get a clear view of their character, you can not read a book by it’s cover. Take that into consideration the next time you encounter a salesman, especially those who make their income based upon commission. If someone is trying to push you into something that you are not feeling comfortable with, it’s generally going to be motivated by selfishness.
What are some of the things you can look for in order to know if someone really cares or has interest in you? In the beginning of a potential relationship you should look for the simple things, like are they attempting to contact you in some fashion? Understand that if someone calls you they had to be thinking of you first in order to initiate the call. The same thing goes with an email, a text message, or even a card in the mail. Hopefully, in this stage, their intent is to get to know you on a friendship level. In the dating stages you should be looking to see if his or her interests are reflective of their behavior. Take your time and determine if they are content with talking to you on the phone, see if he or she truly enjoys and appreciates those kinds of opportunities.
When you are together with someone ascertain if he or she is enjoying being with you, or if they are trying to initiate something beyond spending quality time with you. Remember that there are many people who may find you physically attractive and they may wish to pursue that aspect of a relationship. The physical aspect of a relationship should be reserved for the substantial bonding of marital bliss. Understand that your judgment will be clouded by your emotions if you allow physical intimacy into your relationship foundation. You want a guy or a gal that is enjoying your companionship and fellowship. Get a feeling for his or her desire to associate with you as a buddy or pal. Let go of all those romantic dreams and fantasies until the relationship has matured enough to warrant it.
As time goes along determine by their actions if he or she is looking forward to making contact with you on a daily basis. The more time you spend together in communication and in companionship, the greater your bonding. Determine if he or she is putting off other things in order to make room to spend quality time with you. Are they going out of their way to be with you? Or are you feeling like you have been put on a shelf while he or she is pursuing other interests?
Another thing to look for are the things that he or she may be willing to do for you, as well as the gifts they may give you, (as long as it does not appear that they are trying to buy you). Generally if a guy brings you flowers or other small gifts that is a positive. However if it appears as though he is trying to impress you with his financial wealth in some manner, that might say to proceed with caution. Look for simple things, like are they trying to help you accomplish things that are important to you? If you tell him or her that your car needs washing, do they ask if they can assist you? If he or she did, it would establish a positive intent. If they are going grocery shopping do they ask if they can pick anything up for you? Remember it’s the thought that counts, and these kinds of actions may demonstrate an otherness mindset.
Actions are far more likely to demonstrate true intentions than are words, words are cheap. She wants to know, does he love me? Either may want to know when to say I love you and both probably want to hear it. Ladies, if he loves you, let his words be backed up by his actions, let him get you a ring! Don’t give yourselves up prematurely, if you do it will cost you significant emotional pain, keep your self respect and your dignity. Guys if she really loves you, she’ll say yes when you give her the ring.
We must show love through actions that are sincere, not through mere empty words. 1 John 3:18